1200 Baker Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305

From 1979 and into the 1980’s it was sub-leased and began screening Spanish language movies. After a short period of closure, it re-opened in November 1991 as an ‘art house’ theatre, but this didn’t last long and it became a second run bargain house showing double and even triple bill programmes, closing again in 1992.
In 1994 it re-opened under new management and began a successful policy of screening art-house, cult movies and old Hollywood classics. Sadly, after working hard to fix up the theatre and operating it successfully, it was ‘taken away’ from the young couple who had operated it in Spring 1996, by a car dealership owner who planned to convert it into a live performance venue. This never happened and in recent years has been converted into a church who maintain the building to high standards.
Contributed by Ken Roe